98% of SJC Students would recommend SJC to a friend or family member
NICHE Rated SJC #1 in best community colleges in New Mexico
#38 out of 922 best community college in nation!
Wallethub ranked SJC #16 on the 2023 list of best community colleges & #2 in the nation for cost & financing!
Annual Dual Credit Student Headcount & FTE Increased 19% between 2022 and 2023
422% increase in number of students transferring to Western New Mexico University and Fort Lewis College
Credit Enrollment 8,795
Workforce Training 3,883
Student Demographics 54% Female, 32% Native American, 21% Hispanic, 77% Nm Residents, 30% Full-Time Students
Funding-Instruction & General Unrestricted FY22
18.4% Tuition & Fees, 30% Local Appropriation, 48.4% NM State Appropriations, 2.9% Other
Graduation Numbers 7.8% Annual Increase in Graduates since 2010
Tuition Rates Resident $56 per credit
Non-Resident $178 per credit