Learn the Business Essentials through the Center for Workforce Development

Interpersonal Skills and Professional Development through Center for Workforce Development

Explore Our Courses

More than a personality assessment, True Colors is a strengths-based approach for you and your team to discover innovative strategies to enhance your professional practice, foster a collaborative work environment, and achieve organizational objectives with creativity and efficiency. Our customized approach begins with an organizational assessment and we create a customized curriculum based on established True Colors modules. Popular outcomes include:

  • Discover Your Unique Self: Gain a profound understanding of who you are, not just as a professional but as a pivotal human element within a team mosaic.
  • Foster Team Integration: Discover how to channel your individual strengths to complement your teammates' abilities, creating a seamless unit that works in unison towards common goals.
  • Establish Trust and Transparency: Create an environment where transparency is not just encouraged but ingrained in the very culture of your team, paving the way for a more trusting and supportive work atmosphere.
  • Achieve Team Synergy: Learn how to synchronize the diverse energies of individual team members to create a powerhouse of productivity.

8 hrs

JENNIFER MARTINEZ-MAESTAS has taught True Colors to diverse teams across the country.  She serves as the Director of the ACE Center at San Juan College, where she has dedicated over two decades to adult education.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage emotions, both our own and others', for better communication and relationships in the workplace. Join us on a journey to enhance your Emotional Intelligence skills by exploring what emotional intelligence truly means and how it shapes your well-being. Explore practical techniques for managing emotions in the workplace and beyond, empower yourself with a positive mindset, and learn to validate the emotions of others. By the end of this course, you will be able to manage your emotions in the workplace and use them as tools for better communication. 8 hrs

JANET HEBBE has over 15 years of Human Resources experience, specializing in employee relations, employment law, and leadership. She has served as an HR Director and Director of the Anchorage Health Department. She holds a Master’s in Management and Bachelor’s in Technical Writing and Editing.

7/19, FRI, 8 am-5 pm, Quality Center for Business, Room 5017/5020, $125

Critical thinking skills are essential for navigating the complexities of the modern world. In this class, you will develop the ability to analyze, evaluate, and discern fact from fiction in the workplace. You will learn to foster innovation, problem solve, and make effective decisions. Solving tough problems requires the ability to define the true problem, analyze the possible causes, create options, select the most feasible option, and then implement it. This course will help individuals enhance their efforts to find sustainable solutions and learn new ways to approach problem-solving to reach win-win decisions.

Call our Operations Coordinator at 505-566-4208 to schedule.

Ethics is knowing what is right and wrong and making choices based on that knowledge. You will learn about moral philosophies and how to apply them in various workplace situations. This course will provide you with the tools to navigate moral dilemmas effectively.

Call our Operations Coordinator at 505-566-4208 to schedule.

Improve your workplace efficiency by better organizing yourself and your workspace for peak performance. Understand the importance of, and the most useful techniques for, setting and achieving goals. Identify the right things to achieve and develop plans for doing them. Learn what to delegate and how to delegate well.

Call our Operations Coordinator at 505-566-4208 to schedule.

Teamwork is essential in any successful organization. Learn to leverage the strengths of everyone on your team to navigate challenges together and foster collaboration. Everyone brings their own skills and strengths to the table; by the end of this course, you will understand how to use those skills to help your organization succeed.

Call our Operations Coordinator at 505-566-4208 to schedule.

Change is inevitable. It’s how you respond to it that affects outcomes. This course will teach you to see change not as something to be feared and resisted but as an essential element to be accepted. Understand that adapting to change is not technical but attitudinal and you can see change as an opportunity for self-motivation and innovation. By the end of the course, you will identify strategies for helping change be accepted and implemented in the workplace.

Call our Operations Coordinator at 505-566-4208 to schedule.

Manage interpersonal and organizational disputes through effective communication, problem-solving strategies, and emotional control. You will learn what to do to rise above conflict in the workplace and in your own life.

Call our Operations Coordinator at 505-566-4208 to schedule.

Deliver a memorable customer service experience and generate a customer for life. Learn to provide great customer service that keeps clients coming back and generates positive referrals for future business.

Call our Operations Coordinator at 505-566-4208 to schedule.

Employees and leaders have stake in creating and maintaining a positive work environment. This course will give you tools to be able to create the type of company environment in which you want to work. Learn to build and nurture effective workplace relationships.

Call our Operations Coordinator at 505-566-4208 to schedule.


Phone: (505) 566-3214
30th Street Education Center
3401 E. 30th St.
SJC 2nd Floor Entrance

M-F 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.