SJC 2023 - Related Event Carousel content type details

ID: 582
Name: SJC 2023 - Related Event Carousel
Description: Adds the 5 upcoming events in a carousel based on the category selected from the list

Content element details

NameThe Name Element80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Show on Secondary pageSelect the checkbox to show the content on the full width secondary page80 CharactersCheck BoxNo
Section Heading (H2)Enter the title for the content only for Secondary page80 CharactersPlain TextNo
Background Image (1200x800)Select the image from media library only for Secondary page80 KilobytesMediaNo
Event CategorySelect Categories from list80 CharactersMulti-select ListYes

How to use

A slider that displays up to five events based on the categories selected in the Event Category field. At least one category must be selected.

Select the Show on Secondary page checkbox when using this on pages with the Secondary page layout to center the block.

An optional section heading and background image can be added but they will only display on on pages using the Secondary page layout.


Mountains behind a lake

Section Heading