SJC 2023 - Video Content content type details

ID: 567
Name: SJC 2023 - Video Content
Description: Adds the YouTube and Panopto video to the page either as a modal or embed

Content element details

NameThe Name Element80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Show on Secondary pageSelect the checkbox to show the content on the full width secondary page80 CharactersCheck BoxNo
Section Heading (H2)Enter the title for the content50 CharactersPlain TextNo
Video CaptionEnter the caption for the video500 CharactersPlain TextNo
Video Modal Image (1200x675)Select the image from the media library80 KilobytesMediaNo
YouTube Video Embedded URLEnter the embed YouTube video URL500 CharactersPlain TextNo
YouTube Video Modal URLEnter the plain YouTube video URL500 CharactersPlain TextNo
Panopto Video Embedded URLEnter the Panopto video URL500 CharactersPlain TextNo
Panopto Video Modal URLEnter the Panopto video URL500 CharactersPlain TextNo

How to use

A component which adds either a YouTube or Panopto video to a page.  The video can either be embedded on the page or appear in a modal, depending which field the video url is added to. 

For the YouTube Video Embedded URL field, enter the embed url e.g. Get the embed url by clicking Share under the video then Embed.  Just copy the url in between the speech marks after 'src='.

For the YouTube Video Modal URL field, just copy the address from the browser address bar e.g.

If using one of the modal options, add a video modal image to trigger the modal.

A caption can be added which is displayed below either the embedded video or the video modal image.

Select the Show on Secondary page checkbox when using this on pages with the Secondary page layout to set the center alignment.


YouTube Embed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. At excepturi architecto est sed ex, quisquam repellat!

YouTube Modal

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. At excepturi architecto est sed ex, quisquam repellat!

Panopto Embed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. At excepturi architecto est sed ex, quisquam repellat!

Panopto Modal

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. At excepturi architecto est sed ex, quisquam repellat!